Emergency control

Citroen C3 / Citroen C3 Owner's Manual / Access / Doors / Emergency control

System which locks or unlocks the doors mechanically in the event of a malfunction of the battery or of the central locking.

Locking the driver's door

Insert the key in the lock, then turn it to the right.

Unlocking the driver's door

Insert the key in the lock, then turn it to the left.

Locking the front and rear passenger doors

Insert the key in the lock, located on

Insert the key in the lock, located on the edge of the door, then turn it one eighth of a turn .

Unlocking the front and rear passenger doors

Pull the interior door opening control.

    See also:

    Engine compartment fusebox
    The fusebox is placed in the engine compartment near the battery (left-hand side). Access to the fuses Unclip the cover. Change the fuse (see corresponding paragraph). When you have fi ...

    Automatic lighting
    The sidelamps and dipped headlamps are switched on automatically, without any action on the part of the driver, when a low level of external light is detected or in certain cases of activation of ...

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