Summary table for the installation of ISOFIX child seats

Citroen C3 / Citroen C3 Owner's Manual / Child safety / Summary table for the installation of ISOFIX child seats

In accordance with European regulations, this table indicates the options for the installation of ISOFIX child seats on the vehicle seats fi tted with ISOFIX mountings.

In the case of the universal and semi-universal ISOFIX child seats, the child seat's ISOFIX size category, determined by a letter from A to G , is indicated on the child seat next to the ISOFIX logo.

IUF: seat suitable for the installation of an I sofi x U niversal seat, " F

IUF: seat suitable for the installation of an I sofi x U niversal seat, " F orward facing" and secured using the "Top Tether" upper strap.
IL-SU: seat suitable for the installation an I sofi x S emi- U niversal seat which is:
- "rear facing" fi tted with a "Top Tether" upper strap or a stay,
- "forward facing" fi tted with a stay,
For the securing of the "Top Tether" upper strap, refer to the "Isofi x Mountings" section.
X: seat which is not suitable for the installation of an ISOFIX seat of the size category indicated.

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