Audible and/or visual rear parking assistance
This system consists of four proximity sensors, located in the rear bumper.
This detects any obstacle (person, vehicle, tree, gate, etc.) behind the vehicle, except obstacles located just below the bumper.
An object, such as a stake, a roadworks cone or any other similar object may be detected at the beginning of the manoeuvre, but may no longer be detected when the vehicle comes close to it.
See also:
Detection zone
Language selection
Once this menu has been selected,
you can change the language used
by the display (Deutsch, English,
Espanol, Français, Italiano, Nederlands,
Portugues, Portugues-Brasil, Türkçe ...
Petrol engines
They give access for checking the levels of the various fluids and the replacement
of certain items.
1. Power steering reservoir.
2. Screen and headlamp wash reservoir.
3. Engine coolant.
4. Bra ...